Reading is one the language skills and concurrently one of the basic subjects of the Department of English Education. This 12- credit subject is given in the first four semesters of the study program and is usually given by different lecturers in different semesters. Experiences have shown that one of the constraints faced by both lecturers and students in the teaching-learning process…
English for Specific Purposes refers to the teaching of this language with markedly utilitarian purposes, with the objective of attaining specific abilities of the language making use of real situations, so that students can use it in their future profession or understand issues related to their area of specialization.
Bahasa Inggris untuk keperluan spesifik berfokus pada mengembangkan kompetensi komunikatif dalam disiplin tertentu seperti akademisi, akuntansi, agronomi, bisnis, IT, mengajar, dan teknik. Beberapa karakteristik buku ini adalah terkait dalam tema dan topik untuk disiplin tertentu, meningkatkan kesadaran budaya, dan memberikan pelatihan bahasa tingkat menengah dan lanjutan.
Peran manajemen di dunia bisnis memerlukan bahasa yang spesifik. Seseorang harus menguasai keterampilan komunikasi yang penting untuk menjalankan manajemen yang efektif dan menavigasi lanskap bisnis. Kemampuan untuk menyampaikan ide, bernegosiasi, dan menginspirasi bukan sekadar keahlian, namun juga merupakan landasan kepemimpinan yang baik. Buku ini adalah panduan komprehensif yang melampaui …
English for Spesific Purpose (ESP) diterbitkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan buku teks bahasa Inggris yang mengacu pada suatu disiplin ilmu di luar bidang Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris. Buku ESP: Law ditujukan bagi para mahasiswa tahun pertama Fakultas Hukum dan institut yang mendalami masalah hukum. Buku seri ESP lainnya adalah: • English for Spesific Purpose: Economics • English for Spesif…
This book consists of three parts: reading, writing and vocabulary. Part I includes 1) reading strategies, namely scanning, surveying the text, using the title, skimming, intensive reading, and extensive reading; 2) understanding texts, namely understanding text structure, understanding conceptual meaning, identifying reference in a text, substitution and ellipsis, conjunction, lexical cohesio…
“Hi, how are you?” “I’m fine thank you” “And you?” “I’m fine too, thank you” those are typical phrases that come up in the beginning of English classes. But next, the conversation in the class was oftentimes switched into Bahasa Indonesia. That situation occurs because of many reasons; one of them is due to the lack of English exposures. In line with that problem, this book …
English in Use for Agricultural Students is a textbook for young learners (intermediate level) of higher education level (university and polytechnic). This book is made available to help the students to learn English independently as it is the language of the world. The content of this book is not only integrated in the four English skills, i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing, but …
Written for parents or teachers who dedicate themselves in literacy, this book is especially made to build children awareness in literacy or reading and writing—by couraging them to love books. For this case, parents or teachers are asked to bring lives for the story. With the great ability to tell the story, children will be enjoyed and they will feel like they are in the story. This book…
This book is intended for hospitality students majoring in front office department. It consists of thirteen units, covering all social practices performed by the front office staff, namely giving hotel information, handling direct reservation, handling reservation via telephone, handling reservation cancellations, handling no show, handling individual check in, handling group check in, escortin…
English Language Teaching Assessment is a subject matter that has to be taken by students of English Department. English Language Teaching Assessment is one of pedagogic competence that has to be mastered by English teachers especially in Indonesian context. This is book is very important to learn by students who will develop their competence in English Language Teaching and assessment. Thi…
Buku ini merupakan bahan ajar berseri yang dirancang untuk Ananda gunakan dalam belajar mandiri. Buku ini akan membantu dan memberikan pengalaman belajar yang bermakna bagi Ananda untuk mencapai kompetensi yang dituju secara mandiri. Sebagai bahan ajar, unsur-unsur pokok buku ini terdiri atas (a) tujuan pembelajaran, (b) aktivitas pembelajaran, dan (c) evaluasi. Tujuan pembelajaran menjadi s…
In the English language, words can be considered as the smallest elements that have distinctive meanings. Based on their use and functions, words are categorized into several types or parts of speech. This article will offer definitions and examples for the 8 major parts of speech in English grammar: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, and interjection. This boo…
This book is designed to help university students whose native language is not English. Hence, they need to increase their reading rate and gain more comprehension when reading English texts. The purpose is to equip university students with the speed reading techniques available in this book. It is expected that they can read the English texts faster than their previous reading rate, and at the…
Nawacita’s priority agenda on aspects of education and cultural development is at points five, six, eight, and nine in The National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) year 2015–2019. There are six literacy skills that must be mastered by the Indonesian people to support Indonesia’s country development, such as (1) language literacy, (2) numeracy literacy, (3) scientific literacy, (4) di…
The book presents teaching and learning strategies as well as the teachers‘ pedagogy and how the journeys are applied in English language education both inside and outside of the classroom setting. This book consists of thirteen chapters authored by eight writers from the English language department Universitas Borneo Tarakan and seven authors from different affiliations. The first chapter…
This book is about how teachers can continue with their professional development as language teachers once their period of formal training is over. It also examines how supervisors and administrators can provide opportunities for such development to take place. The need for ongoing teacher education has been a recurring theme in language teaching circles in recent years and has been giv…
This book provides the context of giving presentation in the Final Project Examination, the expressions both for verbal and nonverbal communication, the structure of giving presentation, the structure of English used in an academic presentation and tasks for practicing giving presentation on final project
This book is designed For teachers, trainers, course organizers who work in the field of English for specific purposes (ESP). It gives the relevant background to the ESP learners‘ world, and then presents strategies for teachers approaching the training tasks. In particular, the author presents an approach which focuses on the learners‘ professional knowledge and experience.
Saat ini, kemampuan berkomunikasi menggunakan salah satu bahasa internasional, terutama bahasa Inggris mutlak diperlukan. Untuk itu, buku English for Office Practice ini disusun untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Setiap unit dalam buku ini berisikan topik-topik percakapan yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas di lingkungan perkantoran yang ditunjang dengan ungkapan-…