From the earliest times, commanders have sought knowledge of the enemy, his strengths and weaknesses, his dispositions and intentions. But how much effect, in the 'real time' of a battle or a campaign, can this knowledge have? In this magisterial new study, the author of A History of Warfare goes to the heart of a series of important conflicts to develop a powerful argument about intelligenc…
This book combines up-to-date listening theory with case studies of actual pedagogical practice. The paperback edition combines up-to-date listening theory with case studies of actual pedagogical practice. As an essential part of communicative competence, listening is a skill, which deserves equal treatment with the other basic skills of speaking, reading, and writing. The authors describe curr…
Essential reading for travelers who wish to enjoy the amazing diversity of Australia, this book outlines the history of that great southern democracy from the arrival of the earliest Aborigines some fifty or sixty thousand years ago to the present. The ancient Aboriginal way of life is described; early European sightings; and the establishment of the British convict colony in 1788, which dragge…
Dahulu kala, orang Mars berjumpa dengan orang Venus. Mereka jatuh cinta dan menjalin hubungan yang membahagiakan karena mereka saling menghormati dan menerima perbedaan-perbedaan mereka. Kemudian mereka tiba di Bumi dan mulai menderita amnesia. Mereka lupa bahwa mereka berasal dari planet yang berlainan.Dengan kiasan ini sebagai ilustrasi pertikaian yang umum terjadi antara pria dengan wanita. …
London of the 1880s: The Forsyte family is gathered - gloves, waistcoats, feathers and frocks - to celebrate the engagement of young June Forstye to an architect, Philip Bosinney. The family are intrigued but wary of this stranger in their midst, who they nickname 'the Buccaneer'. Amongst those present are Soames Forsyte and his beautiful wife Irene - his most prized possession. With that meeti…
Heidi is the heart-warming tale of a small girl's power for good, and it has remained a firm favourite since it was published over 100 years ago. It tells of the orphan Heidi and her idyllic existence with her gruff grandfather in the mountains. When she is sent to live in a city, comic chaos ensues, and eventually it is arranged that Heidi should return to the mountains. Together she and her f…
Spans Carlos Marcello's criminal career from his Sicilian youth to his involvement in the New Orleans Mafia and reign over a criminal empire, and points to his culpability in President Kennedy's assassination
John P. Kotter, the world's foremost authority on leadership and change, examines the efforts of more than 100 companies to remake themselves into better competitors. He identifies the most common mistakes leaders and managers make in attempting to create change and offers an eight-step process to overcome the obstacles and carry out the firm's agenda: establishing a greater sense of urgency, c…
This guide to James Joyce's major novels presents a refreshing approach to understanding the work of this challenging and enigmatic giant of twentieth-century literature. Taking the student through a careful, step-by-step analysis of each text, John Blades demonstrates a practical and lively method of critical analysis.
Dalam buku ini, penulis tidak hanya membahas ketentuan perpajakan di Indonesia secara mendetail. Akan tetapi, penulis juga membahas konsep perpajakan serta perbandingan sistem perpajakan di Indonesia dengan di negara lainnya. Melalui buku ini, diharapkan pembaca dapat dengan mudah memahami isu perpajakan terkini di Indonesia serta alternatif penyelesaiannya dengan tepat. Oleh karena itu, buku i…
Even those with little mathematical background will be able to understand this user-friendly book, which focuses on formal languages and models of computation. (The author devotes an entire chapter to induction and recursive definitions.) Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation weaves numerous examples and highly readable discussions of the key ideas--and how they fit into the l…
Secrets of the Javascript Ninja takes you on a journey towards mastering modern JavaScript development in three phases: design, construction, and maintenance. Written for JavaScript developers with intermediate-level skills, this book will give you the knowledge you need to create a cross-browser JavaScript library from the ground up.
Extend and modify MFC code to meet your needs! Author John Swanke delivers studied examples to give you a jump-start on creating more sophisticated and powerful applications. Each example is fully annotated and ready to insert into the your application --
Provides a complete, practical guide for both the experienced programmer who is considering PHP for the first time and the current PHP user looking to fully exploit its new capabilities, starting with a detailed summary of the basics and moving quickly on to more advanced topics. Original. (Intermediate)
While it may seem like some folks are born with a commanding presence that draws people in, the fact is anyone can learn to communicate in ways that consistently build powerful connections. Bestselling author and leadership expert John C. Maxwell offers advice for effective communication to those who continually run into obstacles when it comes to personal success. In Everyone Communicates, …
Buku Prinsip-prinsip ekonomi makro tidak ada bisnis yang dapat lepas dari pengaruh kondisi ekonomi makro. Setiap kebijakan pemerintah akan berdampak langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap sektor usaha. oleh karena itu, penting sekali bagi para pelaku bisnis untuk memahami prinsip-prinsip ekonomi mikro
For undergraduate and graduate International Business courses An effective balance between authoritative theory and meaningful practice. International Businessis an authoritative and engaging voice on conducting business in international markets. This text not only describes the ideas of international business but it also uses contemporary examples, scenarios, and cases to help students e…
Buku ini memfokuskan bahasannya pada etika bisnis, dan good corporate governance, terkait juga dengan bisnis dalam era globalisasi dan relevansinya di Indonesia.
Riset operasi yang aslinya berarti research ib military operation merupakan suatu alat manajemen (management's tool) yang sudah menunjukkan manfaatnya di kalangan militer, sekrang telah berkembang dengan pesat di sektor industri untuk memecahkan persoalan agar diperoleh pemecahan yang kuantitatif. Nama lain dari riset operasi (Operation Research=OR) ialah management science, quantitative manage…
Memulai belajar akuntansi bagi siapa pun sering kali dirasa sulit dan cenderung membosankan karena dipenuhi berbagai istilah. Hal ini bisa dipahami karena dalam akuntansi terdapat berbagai istilah, seperti neraca, laporan laba rugi, persamaan dasar akuntansi, debit, kredit, jurnal, penyusutan, penyesuaian, akun, buku besar, pemindahbukuan, dan sebagainya. Masalah mendasar dalam belajar akuntans…