Reading is one the language skills and concurrently one of the basic subjects of the Department of English Education. This 12- credit subject is given in the first four semesters of the study program and is usually given by different lecturers in different semesters. Experiences have shown that one of the constraints faced by both lecturers and students in the teaching-learning process…
Buku ini disusun dengan tujuan menyediakan ringkasan materi dan latihan soal dalam keempat skill yaiutu listening, speaking, reading dan writing. Disertai dengan languange feature yang bisa digunakan untuk mengasah kemampuan skill tersebut.
A handbook of ENGLISH GRAMMAR Practice and Usage gives short clear explanations of all the main areas of English Grammar and provides practice exercises for you to do There are two ways in which this book can be used 1 In class with help from your teacher 2 At home by your self If you are using the book by your self read the grammatical explana tion and then do the exercises moreA handbook of E…
This book reviews eleven kinds of mobile applications that are used for teaching and learning English receptive skills: Listening and Reading. This book comprises 11 chapters: (1) Introduction Mobile application for Listening and Reading Skills, (2) "Listen English Daily Practice" for Teaching Listening, (3) "Reading Eggs" for Teaching Reading, (4) "English Listening & Speaking (Learn English)"…
English for Specific Purposes refers to the teaching of this language with markedly utilitarian purposes, with the objective of attaining specific abilities of the language making use of real situations, so that students can use it in their future profession or understand issues related to their area of specialization.
English is a vibrant and international language with twenty percent of the world's population speaking English as native, second or foreign language. In addition to its status as amother tongue in many countries, global use of English that we know today was first spoken in early medieval times and is now one of the most spoken language around the world. During this course book, you will get …
Teaching without learning is useless. As (prospective) English teachers we need to make our students learn English while we teach the language. If we teach English but our students do not learn the language, it seems that we spend our time for nothing. If our purpose is how to make our students learn English effectively, we have to identify what methods can trigger our students to learn the tar…
Erika Hoff's LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT, 5th Edition communicates both the content and the excitement of this quickly evolving field. By presenting a balanced treatment that examines all sides of the issues, Hoff helps readers understand different theoretical points of view-- and the research processes that have lead theorists to their findings. After an overview and history of the field, Hoff thorou…
This book presents and practises over 1000 of the most useful and frequent idioms in typical contexts. This reference and practice book looks at the most colourful and fun area of English vocabulary - idioms. This book will appeal to students at advanced level who want to understand and use the English really used by native speakers, and students preparing for higher level exams, such as CAE, C…
Present Yourself is a presentation skills course for adult and young-adult learners of English. Present Yourself 2, Viewpoints, is intended for intermediate students and focuses on giving presentations that express an opinion or point of view. It can be used as a main text in a presentation skills course, in the context of a general conversation course, or as a component in speaking or integrat…
This book helps students improve their pronunciation through a variety of stimulating listening and speaking exercises. The Teacher's Manual contains background information, teaching notes, answers, and listening scripts for the Student's Book. Suggestions for extension activities are also provided.
The volume offers an explanatory account of the progress of academic language proficiency testing in the UK (and later Australia), from the British Council's English Proficiency Test Battery (EPTB), through the revolutionary English Language Testing Service (ELTS) to the present solution of IELTS. The three stages of academic language testing in the UK over the last 50 years move from grammar t…
Reading in Islam is a command from Allah SWT. This evidence is supported by the first word revealed to Muhammad in the Qur’an was “Iqra” which means read or recite. Allah SWT orders His servants to read both reading Qur’an and reading books made by humans. By reading, someone will gain knowledge, develop imagination and creativity, foster a sense of empathy for others, increase social s…
Buku ajar ini terdiri dari dua belas Bab, Bab Pertama, Proses Pemerolehan Bahasa Pertama dan Kedua Pada Anak; Bab Kedua, Myself; Bab Ketiga, My Family; Bab Keempat, Need; Bab Kelima, My Environment; Bab Keenam, Animal; Bab Ketujuh, Profession; Bab Kedelapan, Transportation; Bab Kesembilan, Plant; Bab Kesepuluh, Universe; Bab Kesebelas, Recreation; Bab Kedua Belas, Country.
Bahasa Inggris untuk keperluan spesifik berfokus pada mengembangkan kompetensi komunikatif dalam disiplin tertentu seperti akademisi, akuntansi, agronomi, bisnis, IT, mengajar, dan teknik. Beberapa karakteristik buku ini adalah terkait dalam tema dan topik untuk disiplin tertentu, meningkatkan kesadaran budaya, dan memberikan pelatihan bahasa tingkat menengah dan lanjutan.
To keep up with the advancement of technology and globalization in the 21t century, learning English as a second/foreign language is no longer confined to the traditional classroom setting. Language skills are not taught separately, grammar-based learning supports the meaning-making activities rather than becoming the main activity itself, and the success of language learning is measured by how…
Buku ajar yang berjudul Fun Learning with English for Physical Education and Sport disusun mencakup 12 chapters. Di setiap chapter dilengkapi, Picture, Exercise, Vocabulary, Smart Conversation dan Reading. Setiap chapter memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk dapat mempelajari Bahasa Inggris secara aktif sesuai dengan konsep Fun Learning bahwa bahasa itu menyenangkan untuk dipelajari dan merupakan alat k…
Learning English in Context is authored by Mai Sri Lena, Megawati and Tin Moh Moh Swee. Differ from other books, this book consists of 16 units and each unit discusses a topic that related to education. The authors divide the topic in this book into eight main topics namely, early childhood education, elementary education, guidance counselling, psychology, education technology, non-formal educa…
Teaching isoften regarded asa complex task. Itisan art that needs not only knowledge, skills, and strategies, but also sometimes talent. Some people say that teaching is interesting, some others say that it is challenging, while others feel that it is difficult. Because of that, knowledge and skills of teaching have to be developed long before one is assigned to bea teacher as when she or …
Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, it is stated that teachers and lecturers should have the following competencies: pedagogic competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional competence obtained from profession institution education. These competencies are then translated into: (1) the ability to plan learning, (2)…
Peran manajemen di dunia bisnis memerlukan bahasa yang spesifik. Seseorang harus menguasai keterampilan komunikasi yang penting untuk menjalankan manajemen yang efektif dan menavigasi lanskap bisnis. Kemampuan untuk menyampaikan ide, bernegosiasi, dan menginspirasi bukan sekadar keahlian, namun juga merupakan landasan kepemimpinan yang baik. Buku ini adalah panduan komprehensif yang melampaui …
English For Professional Food & Beverage Services adalah buku khusus dengan pelajaran tentang bahasa dan F&B sebagai satu analisis. Buku ini banyak membahas tentang tata bahasa dan penataan bahasa dengan bidang studi Food and Beverages Services. Buku ini sangat direkomendasikan untuk pekerja hotel dan/atau siswa sekolah pelatihan perhotelan jurusan jasa makanan dan minuman. Isi di dalam buku…
This book, English For Economics, is intended as a guidance textbook for the students of Economic Faculty. It has been designed to allow for a great deal of flexibility of use. It is supposed to be useful whether the student requires English as a library language or as a full—time medium of instruction. The primary aim is not only to facilitate reading, but it also provides practices in the f…
English for Spesific Purpose (ESP) diterbitkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan buku teks bahasa Inggris yang mengacu pada suatu disiplin ilmu di luar bidang Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris. Buku ESP: Law ditujukan bagi para mahasiswa tahun pertama Fakultas Hukum dan institut yang mendalami masalah hukum. Buku seri ESP lainnya adalah: • English for Spesific Purpose: Economics • English for Spesif…
Fish are cool-blooded aquatic animals with backbones, gills, and fins. Most fishes are torpedo-shaped (fusiform) for efficient travel through water, but much variation in shape occurs, from flattened and rounded, as in flounders, to vertical and angular, as in sea horses.
This textbook is arranged to enrich and add reference for teachers, lecturers, students, and wider community as an attempt to assist them in improving their knowledge related to digital marketing using English. By using this textbook, readers are expected to be familiar with terminologies used in digital marketing world. The material and content available in this textbook are compiled from vari…
Advanced Grammar for EFL Learners: A Self Study Reference and Practice Book is the ideal resource for students in colleges or universities who further study English grammar to advanced level. However, this book can still be used and comprehended easily by students who have little or no previous background in grammar since it is written in simple English. It contains a variety of traditional exe…
Teaching without learning is useless. As (prospective) English teachers we need to make our students learn English while we teach the language. If we teach English but our students do not learn the language, it seems that we spend our time for nothing. If our purpose is how to make our students learn English effectively, we have to identify what methods can trigger our students to learn the tar…