This book is designed to help university students whose native language is not English. Hence, they need to increase their reading rate and gain more comprehension when reading English texts. The purpose is to equip university students with the speed reading techniques available in this book. It is expected that they can read the English texts faster than their previous reading rate, and at the…
Menyusun kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dilakukan menyesuaikan tata bahasanya. Dengan susunan kalimat yang benar, pesan pada kalimat dapat diterima dengan baik. Struktur kalimat bahasa Inggris menggunakan verb sebagai predicate. Keterampilan mengidentifikasi bentuk visual verb dapat membantu test taker mengerjakan tes kompetensi pada sesi Grammar atau Structure dengan lebih baik dan cepat. Pad…
Nawacita’s priority agenda on aspects of education and cultural development is at points five, six, eight, and nine in The National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) year 2015–2019. There are six literacy skills that must be mastered by the Indonesian people to support Indonesia’s country development, such as (1) language literacy, (2) numeracy literacy, (3) scientific literacy, (4) di…
The book presents teaching and learning strategies as well as the teachers‘ pedagogy and how the journeys are applied in English language education both inside and outside of the classroom setting. This book consists of thirteen chapters authored by eight writers from the English language department Universitas Borneo Tarakan and seven authors from different affiliations. The first chapter…
This book is about how teachers can continue with their professional development as language teachers once their period of formal training is over. It also examines how supervisors and administrators can provide opportunities for such development to take place. The need for ongoing teacher education has been a recurring theme in language teaching circles in recent years and has been giv…
This book provides the context of giving presentation in the Final Project Examination, the expressions both for verbal and nonverbal communication, the structure of giving presentation, the structure of English used in an academic presentation and tasks for practicing giving presentation on final project
Buku ini berisikan materi yang sangat lengkap, dengan memberikan beberapa percakapan yang terdiri dari beberap tema, diantaranya percakapan perkenalan, kerjasama, daily activity, bercerita hobi, tempat tinggal, pekerjaan, dan percakapan antar teman, dengan orang tua, atau seseorang yang baru saja dikenal. Dalam buku ini juga diberikan beberapa tips beberapa hal yang seharusnya digunakan dalam p…
Buku ini berisikan materi yang sangat lengkap, dengan memberikan beberapa percakapan yang terdiri dari beberap tema, diantaranya percakapan perkenalan, kerjasama, daily activity, bercerita hobi, tempat tinggal, pekerjaan, dan percakapan antar teman, dengan orang tua, atau seseorang yang baru saja dikenal. Dalam buku ini juga diberikan beberapa tips beberapa hal yang seharusnya digunakan dalam p…
Buku ini berisikan materi yang sangat lengkap, dengan memberikan beberapa percakapan yang terdiri dari beberap tema, diantaranya percakapan perkenalan, kerjasama, daily activity, bercerita hobi, tempat tinggal, pekerjaan, dan percakapan antar teman, dengan orang tua, atau seseorang yang baru saja dikenal. Dalam buku ini juga diberikan beberapa tips beberapa hal yang seharusnya digunakan dalam p…
This book packed with abrief explanation for each topic inevery unit, more than 40 exercises and review for each unit. Completed with learning objectives, this book divided into five units. Each unit giving aspecific topic and some subtopics. In this book, you will find five units of materials with different kinds of theme. There will be reviews and exercises as well to get better understandin…
Noun is a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things. The functions of Noun in a sentence are as a Subject or an Object. e.g. “Komeng is playing Mobile Legend.” Can you guess which one is the Noun? Basically, it is very easy. The Noun of the above sentence consists of “Komeng” as the subject of the sentence and “Mobile Leg…
Buku ini khusus untuk kamu yang ingin pintar berbahasa Inggris tapi bingung harus mulai dari mana. Buku ini akan menemani kamu untuk mengasah kemampuan English speaking sebagai seorang pemula. Kalau dalam istilah pelajar dikenal dengan istilah Young learners. Sesuai dengan namanya, buku ini akan menjadi teman untuk bisa menguasai English dari hal – hal dasar tapi urgen yang harus diketa…
English Language skills are the essential requirement in the hotel and tourism industry. English for Tourism is one of the subjects taught in English Department. This course is given to enable students not only understanding the language systems but also the awareness of how implementing it effectively and appropriately. Explorer; English for Tourism is a skill-based course book which focuse…
My students deserve to gain better education including a better book to learn. That’s why I wonder how to design a book which fulfills their needs. Eleven years I have been trying to find a good book that’s satisfying me and my students which of course I have to consider their level and their needs. However, I failed to find the good one. Here it is! Since I realized that the students need…
English Family (Learning English in Indonesian Culture) merupakan buku panduan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang dapat dipandang dari dua sisi. Pertama sebagai buku pendamping dan kedua sebagai buku motivasi. Sebagai buku pendamping di karena kan sebagian besar materi yang disajikan cenderung umum dipelajari dan diajarkan di satuan pendidikan baik formal maupun informal, sementara sebagai buku m…
Siapkan Dirimu untuk Masa Depan Gemilang dengan Bahasa Inggris! Dalam dunia yang semakin terhubung, menguasai bahasa internasional adalah kunci sukses. Jangan biarkan kesempatan berlalu begitu saja. Hadir dengan solusi: Buku ringkasan materi kelas VIII Bahasa Inggris dan latihan soal yang dirancang simpel agar semua bisa memahami. Dari siswa hingga para pencari ilmu, kami telah menghadirkan kut…
A large percentage of the world's language learners study English in order to develop proficiency in speaking. The ability to speak a second or foreign language well is a very complex task if we try to understand the nature of what appears to be involved. To begin with, speaking is used for many different purposes, and each purpose involves different skills. In some situations, we use speaking …
This book entitled Teaching Materials of Islamic-based Content in Teaching Vocabulary serves as a fruitful material for teachers, students, or any independent learners who wish to enrich their vocabularies, especially regarding Islamic-related contents. This book is comprised of eleven units, namely: Unit 1–Tawheed: Oneness of Allah; Unit 2–Allah Has Knowledge of All Things; Unit 3–Allah…
Belajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing mengharuskan kita mengubah paradigma bahwa setiap bahasa memiliki kaidah dan karakter masing- masing. Misalnya pada masalah tenses, bahasa Inggris memiliki keunikan dan keragaman yang jauh lebih banyak dibanding bahasa Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, hal terpenting yang ditanamkan pada diri pembelajar adalah memiliki bahasa tersebut menjadi bagian dari hi…
Buku ini terdiri dari beberapa bab. Meeting 1. Is a pr for you?, meeting 2.what is digital pr ?, meeting 3.traditional pr vs digital pr, meeting media and digital pr, and meeting media as public relations channel. Meeting 6.twitterfor public relations, meeting 7.facebook and public relations, meeting pr lesson for crisis, meeting pr content, meeting 10.m…
Advanced Level. Focus on Pronunciation, a comprehensive pronunciation course, is designed to help students enjoy speaking English well. Written for advanced ESL students, Focus on Pronunciation addresses the crux of most pronunciation problems by emphasizing elements of English phonology that are difficult or unusual in terms of the world's languages.
How does language work? What are the different elements? How do they all fit together? The Frameworks of English is a step-by-step guide through the various levels of language, describing the morphological, lexical, grammatical and phonological frameworks of contemporary English in a clear and logical way. Beginning with words as the building blocks of language, it investigates their interna…
This new edition of a successful text has been thoroughly revised to make it even more accessible to those without any prior grammatical knowledge. There is greater discussion and exemplification of key terms, while essential topics are now fully introduced at the outset. There are also new sections, more diagrams and shaded boxes.
This coursebook for students and teachers of English and introductory linguistics is packed with worked examples and exercises which increase in difficulty, drawn from a range of discourses to consolidate the student's knowledge, competence and enjoyment of the subject.
How did the English language change from the Old to the Early Modern period? What effect do linguistic and stylistic choices have on a text? Why is it important to consider linguistic features together in a work? The grammar and vocabulary of the English language changed dramatically between the Old and Early Modern periods. These changes in language usage are explored in The Language of Ear…
This accessible and lively introduction to semantics and the multi-faceted nature of language guides the student and non-specialist through the major ways in which the English language makes meaning. The author discusses the meaning of linguistic units at all levels of language, from sound to discourse, while studying also the role of theories and models themselves in helping us to understand h…
This basic introduction to Old English is an essential guide for students with little or no linguistic knowledge. Unlike other textbooks on the subject, Beginning Old English focuses on the explanation and demonstration of how the language works, using accessible illustrations from simplified Old English texts and showing how many features of present-day English have their roots in this stage o…