Buku ini disusun sedemikian rupa, agar dapat dengan mudah dipahami sebagai dasar panduan mempelajari Algoritma dan Pemrograman. Buku ini terdiri dari 9 BAB yang dirancang secara urut dari mengenal Algoritma, pembuatan flowchart menggunakan Flowgorithm, Pseudocode sampai ke bahasa pemrograman menggunakan Java, buku ini disertai banyak contoh latihan dan penyelesaian. Buku ini sangat cocok bagi …
Buku Matematika Teknik ini ditulis sebagai upaya untuk memperbanyak perbendaharaan kepustakaan ilmu teknik, khususnya bidang matematika teknik. Penekanan utama dari materi buku ini adalah penjelasan mengenai konsep, teori dan penerapan metode mengenai ilmu matematika teknik yang dapat kita pelajari dan aplikasikan langsung dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Bahasan mengenai bidang-bidang matemat…
Buku Algoritma Pemrograman adalah buku praktis untuk menguasai pemrograman dengan Python. Buku ini dirancang untuk pemula hingga menengah, dimulai dengan dasar-dasar seperti instalasi Python di berbagai sistem operasi dan pilihan editor kode terbaik seperti Visual Studio Code. Pembaca diajak membuat program sederhana, memahami komentar, dan teknik debugging yang efektif.
Engineers and scientists study differential equations because of their crucial role in the analysis of physical and biological systems. This text addresses this need by presenting the classical theory from a systems point of view. Besides making system theory the unifying pedagogical thread, the text offers applications, examples and problems. There are also problems which ask students to use M…
Pembahasan buku ini dimulai dari konsep mendasar tentang sistem biometrika, berbagai teknik analisis citra, dan sampai pada tahapan-tahapan dalam membangun aplikasi sistem biometrika beserta contoh aplikasinya.
Master discrete mathematics with Schaum's--the high-performance solved-problem guide. It will help you cut study time, hone problem-solving skills, and achieve your personal best on exams! Students love Schaum's Solved Problem Guides because they produce results. Each year, thousands of students improve their test scores and final grades with these indispensable guides. Get the edge on yo…
Pada edisi ini memberikan dasar aljabar linier dan aplikasinya yang sesuai untuk mehasiswa tingkat pertama atau kedua. Tujuannya adalah untuk memperlihatkan dasar dari aljabar linear dan aplikasinya dalam cara yang sejelas mungkin.
Even those with little mathematical background will be able to understand this user-friendly book, which focuses on formal languages and models of computation. (The author devotes an entire chapter to induction and recursive definitions.) Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation weaves numerous examples and highly readable discussions of the key ideas--and how they fit into the l…
NUMERICAL METHODS, Fourth Edition emphasizes the intelligent application of approximation techniques to the type of problems that commonly occur in engineering and the physical sciences. Readers learn why the numerical methods work, what kinds of errors to expect, and when an application might lead to difficulties. The authors also provide information about the availability of high-quality soft…
Success in your calculus course starts here! James Stewart's CALCULUS texts are world-wide best-sellers for a reason: they are clear, accurate, and filled with relevant, real-world examples. With MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS, Eighth Edition, Stewart conveys not only the utility of calculus to help you develop technical competence, but also gives you an appreciation for the intrinsic beauty of the sub…
The sixth edition provides a thorough grounding in basic mathematical and statisical techniques for business students, and students on a professional course such as accounting. The result is a comprehensive, user-friendly, testing oriented guide to quantitative methods for business. The sixth edition provides a thorough grounding in basic mathematical and statisical techniques for business stud…
A reader-friendly introduction to the essential principles in Mathematics, whether you are a new student on Economics or looking for comprehensive self-study material. Mathematics for Economics and Business, 9th edition by Ian Jacques, is the essential resource on the subject when studying Mathematics as part of your Economics, Management or Business course. Ideal for First-Year students in…
Connect - Your Study and Testing Program with e-book - is included with each new copy of the text. For more information, go to www.mcgrawhillistudy.ca Nicholson Linear Algebra 6e introduces the general idea of Linear Algebra much earlier than the competition keeping with the same rigorous and concise approach to linear algebra. Along with the many diagrams and examples that help students visual…
This Sixth Edition of the best-selling A FIRST COURSE IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH MODELING APPLICATIONS, places a greater emphasis on modeling and using technology in problem solving, and now features more applications. The last edition of this text became university professors' top choice for teaching differential equations, in part because the author piques students' interest with special …
Matematika kadang-kadang dianggap ebagai sosok pelaaran yang menakutkan oleh sebagian orang. Begitu rumit dan memusingkan, serta banyak waktu yang terbuang hanya untuk mempelajarinya. Namun itu semua dapat dihindari dengan hadirnya buku Belia (Belajar Ilmu Aritmatika dan Aljabar). Buku ini menyajikan trik-trik cepat dalam memecahkan soal-soal matematika dengan metode bantuan rumus cepat. Metode…
Selling over 220,000 copies in its first edition, Schaum's Outline of Probability and Statistics has become a vital resource for the more than 977,000 college students who enroll in related probability and statistics courses each year. Its big-picture, calculus-based approach makes it an especially authoriatative reference for engineering and science majors. Now thoroughly update, this second e…