Buku ini berisikan materi yang sangat lengkap, dengan memberikan beberapa percakapan yang terdiri dari beberap tema, diantaranya percakapan perkenalan, kerjasama, daily activity, bercerita hobi, tempat tinggal, pekerjaan, dan percakapan antar teman, dengan orang tua, atau seseorang yang baru saja dikenal. Dalam buku ini juga diberikan beberapa tips beberapa hal yang seharusnya digunakan dalam p…
Buku ini berisikan materi yang sangat lengkap, dengan memberikan beberapa percakapan yang terdiri dari beberap tema, diantaranya percakapan perkenalan, kerjasama, daily activity, bercerita hobi, tempat tinggal, pekerjaan, dan percakapan antar teman, dengan orang tua, atau seseorang yang baru saja dikenal. Dalam buku ini juga diberikan beberapa tips beberapa hal yang seharusnya digunakan dalam p…
What’s personal doesn’t always need to be kept as a secret! This book is dedicated to those who want to learn and practice writing personal narratives in English. The vivid steps and the examples are given to guide the learners to reflect and share their personal experience into a piece of delightful writing. Buku ini terdiri dari beberapa pembahasan, diantaranya: Reading a Personal …
This book, Intercultural Communication, serves as a fruitful and helpful reference for readers in general and students in particular, who wish to comprehend the essence and aspects involved in intercultural communication. Comprised of nine chapters, this book elaborates language and culture, English curriculum in multicultural education, blended culture model, intercultural communication and co…
This book packed with abrief explanation for each topic inevery unit, more than 40 exercises and review for each unit. Completed with learning objectives, this book divided into five units. Each unit giving aspecific topic and some subtopics. In this book, you will find five units of materials with different kinds of theme. There will be reviews and exercises as well to get better understandin…
Karya sastra merupakan karya yang dihasilkan dengan penggunaan bahasa yang alamiah berupa cerita pendek, puisi, novel, dan drama, yang tercipta dari imajinasi seorang penulis. Penggunaan karya sastra menampilkan penggunaan bahasa dalam konteks nyata dan mendorong peserta didik berimajinasi dan berimprovisasi serta menyatakan pendapat. Pembelajaran menggunakan karya sastra yang sesuai dengan …
Noun is a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things. The functions of Noun in a sentence are as a Subject or an Object. e.g. “Komeng is playing Mobile Legend.” Can you guess which one is the Noun? Basically, it is very easy. The Noun of the above sentence consists of “Komeng” as the subject of the sentence and “Mobile Leg…
Buku ini khusus untuk kamu yang ingin pintar berbahasa Inggris tapi bingung harus mulai dari mana. Buku ini akan menemani kamu untuk mengasah kemampuan English speaking sebagai seorang pemula. Kalau dalam istilah pelajar dikenal dengan istilah Young learners. Sesuai dengan namanya, buku ini akan menjadi teman untuk bisa menguasai English dari hal – hal dasar tapi urgen yang harus diketa…
Basic Speaking: WhatsApp-Based Daily Conversation is one of highly-needed learning resources in this 21st digital era. It is expected to help encourage students to speak daily topics in English via WhatsApp with the WhatsApp instructions anytime, anywhere, and to any classmates and/or to anyone. Classroom and online activities can be taught and learned both in the physical setting and online si…
English Language skills are the essential requirement in the hotel and tourism industry. English for Tourism is one of the subjects taught in English Department. This course is given to enable students not only understanding the language systems but also the awareness of how implementing it effectively and appropriately. Explorer; English for Tourism is a skill-based course book which focuse…
Intensive Writing is one of the compulsory subjects taught to the first semester students of English Language Education Study Program of Khairun University. As an effort to improve the quality of graduates of the study program, continuous improvement in teaching and learning process including the subject knowledge and teaching and learning process has been made in accordance with changing needs…
This book is entitled Writing Genre which focuses on equipping and scaffolding students to develop their writing skills especially in genre approach perspective. The book contains some angles in genre-based approach such as; definition of genre, history of genre, characteristics, types of genre, examples and analysis. The target of this book is oriented to students of English department, lec…
Writing a good piece of text academically requires students’ basic writing proficiency, particularly in paragraph writing. Their failure in writing a good paragraph may lead to poor academic writing competence. This underlies the importance of providing references as well as guidance as an aid for students to write a good paragraph. Genre-based writing, in addition to process writing, has …
Bahasa Inggris adalah jendela dunia. Dengan bahasa Inggris siapapun mampu mengembangkan ilmu yang dipelajarinya lebih luas dan mampu mengantarkan mereka pada kehidupan masa depan yang lebih siap menghadapi tantangan. Mempelajari bahasa Inggris bukanlah hal yang mudah seperti membalik telapak tangan. Metode yang tepat yang sesuai dengan cara berpikir bangsa Indonesia sangatlah diperlukan. Bahas…
My students deserve to gain better education including a better book to learn. That’s why I wonder how to design a book which fulfills their needs. Eleven years I have been trying to find a good book that’s satisfying me and my students which of course I have to consider their level and their needs. However, I failed to find the good one. Here it is! Since I realized that the students need…
English Family (Learning English in Indonesian Culture) merupakan buku panduan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang dapat dipandang dari dua sisi. Pertama sebagai buku pendamping dan kedua sebagai buku motivasi. Sebagai buku pendamping di karena kan sebagian besar materi yang disajikan cenderung umum dipelajari dan diajarkan di satuan pendidikan baik formal maupun informal, sementara sebagai buku m…
Siapkan Dirimu untuk Masa Depan Gemilang dengan Bahasa Inggris! Dalam dunia yang semakin terhubung, menguasai bahasa internasional adalah kunci sukses. Jangan biarkan kesempatan berlalu begitu saja. Hadir dengan solusi: Buku ringkasan materi kelas VIII Bahasa Inggris dan latihan soal yang dirancang simpel agar semua bisa memahami. Dari siswa hingga para pencari ilmu, kami telah menghadirkan kut…
A large percentage of the world's language learners study English in order to develop proficiency in speaking. The ability to speak a second or foreign language well is a very complex task if we try to understand the nature of what appears to be involved. To begin with, speaking is used for many different purposes, and each purpose involves different skills. In some situations, we use speaking …
Writing for General Communication is the first writing subject for the first grade students at English Department. It is an important skill that should be mastered by the students. They should know how to express their feeling correctly. This is the basic one which discusses about basic grammar and mechanics. They also are asked to make simple sentence and arrange a long paragraph. Hope that …
Buku ini adalah pembelajar bahasa di wilayah Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan baik yang tinggal di kota maupun di pedalaman. Didasarkan pada kenyataan bahwa penggunaan Uab Meto oleh generasi muda di ibu kota kabupaten akhir-akhir ini mulai berkurang, penulis berinisiatif membuat buku ini untuk mencegah terjadinya kepunahan bahasa daerah di Pulau Timor yaitu Uab Meto.117
MKBE2, Introduction to Prose is a two-credit and one semester undergraduate course. It comprises 7 study parts. The materials have been developed to introduce the students to prose fiction which is a genre of literature. This course guide gives you an overview of the course and also provides you with information on the organization and requirements of the course. The course introduces you to…
Understanding cultural background will level up people maturity in communication context. Thus, Cross-cultural Understanding Coursebook: Proposition and Case Study is presented to support the process of acknowledging cultural identities, existing values, widespread stereotypes, culture shock complication, intercultural communication, and various world etiquettes. This book additionally contribu…
Teaching material is one of the main media in learning and teaching process. This book is made hopefully to be useful for the teachers who teach in addressing the reading material into the class, and for students who improve the skill of reading English as Foreign Language. Besides, it also can be useful for parents who want to facilitate English reading material for their children. Instruct…
This book entitled Teaching Materials of Islamic-based Content in Teaching Vocabulary serves as a fruitful material for teachers, students, or any independent learners who wish to enrich their vocabularies, especially regarding Islamic-related contents. This book is comprised of eleven units, namely: Unit 1–Tawheed: Oneness of Allah; Unit 2–Allah Has Knowledge of All Things; Unit 3–Allah…
Bahasa Indonesia merupakan salah satu mata kuliah dasar umum (general education) yang harus diikuti oleh semua mahasiswa dari semua program studi. Hal ini sesuai dengan yang tertuang dalam UU No. 12 Tahun 2012 yang menyatakan bahwa mata kuliah wajib, yaitu Agama, Pancasila, Kewarganegaraan dan Bahasa Indonesia. Adapun gambaran umum isi buku ini adalah membahas tentang penggunaan bahasa yang …
Buku ini bermaksud untuk memberi gambaran dan penjelasan secara mendalam mengenai keberadaan slang atau bahasa gaul di dunia maya. Keberadaan slang terus-menerus diteliti, mengingat slang selalu berubah seiring perkembangan budaya dan teknologi, terutama perubahan komunikasi yang cepat. Pada dasarnya, slang merupakan bentuk kreatif bahasa dari penutur yang memiliki maksud tertentu dalam penggun…
The book covers basic reading skills to read texts of various topics based on local context, e.g., scan, preview, and predict, find main topics and ideas, skim, and draw conclusions. The exercises following the text will explore the practice of using the skill. The course also encourages students to develop their reading habits by asking them to choose their favorite reading and share it with t…
Pada penghujung abad XX dan memasuki millenium baru, umat manusia menyaksikan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat dan prevalen sehingga sering terdengar ungkapan bahwa informasi merupakan aset yang kritikal sifatnya dan menyentuh semua segi kehidupan, baik pada tingkat individual, tingkat kelompok maupun tingkat organisasi. Salah satu implikasi kuat dari perkembangan tersebut ada…
Buku manajemen keuangan ini dirancang berdasarkan road-map teori-teori keuangan yang eligible, disusun secara kronologis dan terpadu dalam kerangka empat perspektif pengelolaan, yaitu perspektif keuangan, proses bisnis internal, learning and growth perspective (MSDM), dan kefokusan pada langganan, atau disebut sebagai "Manajemen Keuangan Berbasis Balanced Scoreard (BSC)".