The hospitality sector is one of the largest growing industries in the world. This is reflected in the growing number of academic courses available on the subject. The key element of hospitality management is interaction between the people who work in the industry and the environment in which they work. Yvonne Guerrier has compiled a state-of-the-art textbook which considers the core elemen…
Buku Akuntansi Manajemen untuk Hotel dan Restoran Edisi 2 ini terdiri dari 15 bab: Tinjauan Akuntansi Manajemen, Tinjauan Akuntansi Keuangan Hotel, Laporan Arus Kas, Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Hotel, Teknik-teknik Forecasting, Anggaran Operasional, Anggaran Kas, Pemantauan Anggaran, Pengendalian Harga Pokok Makanan dan Minuman, Perilaku Biaya untuk Pengambilan Keputusan, Cost Volume Profit Analy…