This book provides students with an excellent opportunity to familiarize themselves with IELTS and to practise examination techniques using authentic test material prepared by Cambridge ESOL. An introduction to the different modules is included in each book, together with an explanation of the scoring system used by Cambridge ESOL. The comprehensive section of answers and tapescripts means that…
This invaluable little book highlights the real mistakes that students make in the exam and shows how to avoid them. Based on analysis of thousands of exam scripts, each unit targets a key problem area. Clear explanations and exercises help students to use the language accurately. Regular tests offer students a further opportunity to check and consolidate what they have learnt. * Highlights …
The graded readers series of original fiction, adapted fiction and factbooks especially written for teenagers. From the Highlands to its islands, from terrifying tales of history to its modern cities such as Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland has a fascinating story to tell. Explore the country through its fantastic festivals, innovative inventions, and much more. This paperback is in American Eng…
A three-level vocabulary series for both self-study and classroom use. This best-selling series gives students the support they need to master words and phrases in American English. New language is taught in manageable two-page units with presentation of vocabulary on the left-hand page and practice activities on the right. Suitable for self-study or classroom use, the books are informed by the…
This book helps students improve their pronunciation through a variety of stimulating listening and speaking exercises. The Teacher's Manual contains background information, teaching notes, answers, and listening scripts for the Student's Book. Suggestions for extension activities are also provided.
A resource book of grammar games and interactive activities. Games for Grammar Practice is a teacher's resource book containing a selection of more than forty games and activities for grammar practice. The activities are designed to promote intensive and interactive practice with learners of all ages from elementary to advanced level. Photocopiable pages and step-by-step instructions provide in…
Basic Grammar in Use, Second Edition, is a new edition of a highly successful text for high-beginning to low-intermediate students. The Basic Grammar in Use Workbook provides students with further opportunities to practice difficult grammar points. It also helps to consolidate their understanding of related grammar topics, such as the different ways of expressing the future. This Workbook offer…
This book combines up-to-date listening theory with case studies of actual pedagogical practice. The paperback edition combines up-to-date listening theory with case studies of actual pedagogical practice. As an essential part of communicative competence, listening is a skill, which deserves equal treatment with the other basic skills of speaking, reading, and writing. The authors describe curr…
Sejak pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 2001, Kewirausahaan (Pedoman Praktis: Kiat dan Proses Menuju Sukses ) telah menjadi salah satu buku yang dipakai luas di kalangan praktisi, akademisi, mahasiswa, maupun masyarakat umum yang ingin mengembangkan jiwa kewirausahan. Jiwa kewirausahaan tidak hanya dimiliki oleh pengusaha dan berlaku di dunia bisnis, tetapi juga dimiliki oleh setiap orang yan…
Setiap aset pasti memiliki harga pasar (market price). Apakah harga pasar dapat dijadikan ukuran harga wajar? Tentu tidak karena harga pasar sudah memuat berbagai faktor yang membentuk harga itu sendiri, antara lain harga perolehan (cost), risiko-risiko (risks), dan tingkat keuntungan yang diharapkan (expected rate of return). Lalu berapa harga wajarnya? Apakah harga pasar sudah melampaui harga…
Kamus ini berisikan rangkuman istilah-istilah ekonomi, akuntansi, keuangan dan investasi yang seringkali digunakan pada saat, khususnya dalam dunia kerja maupun pendidikan.
Semua anak itu pintar! Dalam buku ini, Tony Buzan menjabarkan cara-cara agar anak bisa meraih keberhasilan di sekolah, termasuk cara gampang memahami berbagai mata pelajaran, membuat karangan, dsb., termasuk menguasai hal-hal di luar pelajaran, misalnya cara mengatur kamar tidur, menyelenggarakan pesta ulang tahun. Dengan menggunakan Mind Map, anak akan dapat: - Mengerjakan PR dalam waktu cuma …
Algoritma adalah sekumpulan instruksi yang terstruktur dan terbatas yang diimplementasikan kedalam bentuk program komputer untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah komputasi tertentu. Dalam matematika dan ilmu komputer, algoritme adalah prosedur langkah-demi-langkah untuk penghitungan. Algoritme digunakan untuk penghitungan, pemrosesan data, dan penalaran otomatis. Algoritme adalah metode efektif d…
IELTS atau International English Language Testing System merupakan salah satu sistem ujian internasional yang digunakan di dunia, selain juga TOEFL.
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