Ekonomi Islam adalah sebuah sistem perekonomian yang menjadikan syariat-syariat Islam sebagai landasan dasar dalam setiap hukum dan aktivitas yang berlaku di dalamnya. Para ahli ekonomi Islam mendeskripsikan bahwa konsep ekonomi ini bukan lah termasuk konsep kapitalis maupun sosialis. Konsep ekonomi Islam secara ideal menjadi ‘bagian ketiga’ dari jenis sistem ekonomi yang diklaim dapat meng…
Over the last three decades, the concepts of Islamic finance and Islamic economics have captured the attention of researchers. The growing market for transactions compatible with Islamic law (Shari-áh) is further evidence of growing interest in this mode of finance. By some estimates, the total volume of Islamic financial assets has grown by 15 to 20 percent a year since 1990 and now exceeds $…
Can Islamic finance save the global system? "Islamic Finance and the New Financial System" describes how the adoption of Islamic finance principles in future regulatory decisions could help prevent future shocks in the global financial system. Using illustrations and examples to highlight key points in recent history, this book discusses the causes of financial crises, why they are becoming …
Respons terhadap maraknya praktik Lembaga Keuangan Syariah di Indonesia, menyusul terjadinya krisis ekonomi dan moneter yang terjadi sejak tahun 1997 dan pemberlakuan UU Perbankan Nomor 10 tahun 1998, serta fatwa MUI tentang keharaman bunga bank, telah melecut kesadaran bahwa kehadiran Lernbaga Keuangan Syariah harus diiringi dengan pemahaman yang lebih komprehensif tentang sistem ekonorrti Isl…
Buku ini merupakan pengantar yang memperkenalkan ekonomi Islam sebagai sebuah ilmu pengetahuan yang seharusnya secara ilmiah tidak hanya berbeda dengan disiplin ekonomi konvensional, tetapi dibangun di atas prinsip dan tujuan Islam itu sendiri. Standardisasi konsep-konsep ilmu ekonomi Islam modern perlu dibangun mengingat selama ini praktik ekonomi Islam di masyarakat sering kali belum memiliki…
A practical guide for robust "sharī'ah" governance of the Islamic banking industry Debate in the market on the extent of "sharī'ah" compliance of Islamic banks, their products, and activities has piqued stakeholders' interest. In "Foundations of Sharī'ah Governance of Islamic Banks," Karim Ginena and Azhar Hamid explore the depths of "sharī'ah" governance to unravel its mysterious dimens…
"Islamic Branding and Marketing: Creating A Global Islamic Business" provides a complete guide to building brands in the largest consumer market in the world. The global Muslim market is now approximately 23 percent of the world's population, and is projected to grow by about 35 percent in the next 20 years. If current trends continue, there are expected to be 2.2 billion Muslims in 2030 that w…
A comprehensive look at the essentials of Islamic capital markets Bringing together theoretical and practical aspects of capital markets, "Islamic Capital Markets" offers readers a comprehensive insight into the institutions, instruments, and regulatory framework that comprise Islamic capital markets. Also exploring ideas about money, central banking, and economic growth theory and their rol…
A comprehensive guide to one of the key risk management issues in the expanding field of Islamic finance For Islamic financial institutions, Sharia non-compliance is a growing and key risk that must be carefully managed. This book offers a thorough look at non-compliance risk and explains the legal documentation necessary to ensure compliance for professionals in the Islamic finance industry…
A comprehensive examination of Islamic capital markets Taking a comparative approach to the subject, this text looks at the similarities and differences between Islamic capital markets and conventional capital markets. The book explains each particular topic from both the conventional and the Islamic perspective, offering a full understanding of Islamic capital markets, processes, and instru…
Ekonomi Islam merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari masalah-masalah ekonomi yang diilhami dan bersandarkan pada nilai-nllai Islam. Sistem ekonomi Islam berbeda dari pola kapitalisme maupun sosialisme. Berbeda dari kapitalisme karena Islam menentang eksploitasi oleh pemilik modal terhadap buruh yang miskin, dan melarang penumpukan harta kekayaan. Selain itu, ekonomi dalam kaca mata Islam merupakan cun…